I've been invited by a good friend of mine, Maria from 50 shades of 4ply blog, to join in the wonderful blog hop of creative blogs. To take part I need to answer 4 simple questions, then pass you on to two of my creative friends.
So, sit back, take a moment to read my blog post, then feel free to explore Maria's blog and the people previously on the blog hop. Next week (also on Monday) the fabulous Wink (from A Creative Being Blog) and the talented Kirsten (from the Haak Maar Raak blog) will be answering the same 4 questions before passing you on to two of their creative friends.
Question 1. What am I working on at the moment?
LOTS! I'm the kind of person who always has several projects on the go at any one time. I like to have a simple project, one that I can sit and do in front of the tv without needing much thought. I also like to have a good challenge, one I will work on when I have the house to myself and no distractions. Then, I'll have varying shades of difficulty and attention requiring projects in-between to suit my mood of the day.
Currently, I have a shawl I am making from some beautiful baby alpaca / silk mix yarn (lace weight) hand dyed in sapphire blue. Another project I'm working on that is almost complete is a blanket where I am using my new love, Scheepjeswol Stone Washed yarns.

I'm also working on a few projects for a book at the moment, which unfortunately I can't share right now...but soon!

I'm also working on a few projects for a book at the moment, which unfortunately I can't share right now...but soon!
Question 2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I'm a bit of a 'details person', I have a tendency with designs to find one element and explore it to it's limits.... to an almost obsessive point! A while ago I became obsessed with creating ombre effects, which led me to creating this blanket using 2 strands of a fine lace weight yarn and changing colours every round....yip, I'm a gluten for punishment!

I can be equally fixated on a stitch, a pattern repeat, or an overall design. My current obsession is with variegated yarns. This started when I made my Crofter Blanket and still hasn't run it's full course yet!
Recently I made this scarf with a single ball of variegated yarn, Scheepjeswol Invicta Colour & grey/cream Invicta Extra Yarns for the backgrounds to the coloured flowers.

In general, most of my 'obsessions' are about colour, shading, combinations of colour etc. I love how I can take the simplest of patterns, crochet them in an endless array of colour combinations and they can often look like completely different patterns each time.
3. Why do I create what I do?
To keep my sanity! I find crochet relaxing and soothing. When life is busy around me or stressful, I often turn to the rhythmic movement of my hook and yarn. Creating is an integral part of who I am, it's an expression of myself and a visual representation of the things that inspire me and the beauty I see in the world around me. I do like my creations to be practical, useable objects. I think beauty is not only about something looking great, but being functional and fit for purpose.
4. How does my creative process work?
Firstly, I'm inspired. It may be by an object which I see, photograph and file away on my phone for future reference. Inspiration may also hit when I see a colour combination I like or a texture I wish to recreate.
Then the fun of finding the right combination of stitch, colour and pattern begins. It's a carefully balanced formula. If one element is slightly out, the whole thing fails.
The next step usually involves lining up all my yarns, ordering them, stroking them, feeling the textures, reordering, substituting yarns, photographing different sequences of colours of yarn so I can remember the orders. I often leave yarns out on my kitchen table and keep walking past them and rearranging them. This can go on for days until I'm absolutely happy with them.
At this point I pick up my hook and start to crochet.
When the item is complete (and usually a couple of stages along the way!) I block. I'm an obsessive blocker!
When the item is complete (and usually a couple of stages along the way!) I block. I'm an obsessive blocker!
Ah it's so nice to look back on your projects! I can remember each one in the making. I love how each project you make is completely different yet still has that 'Anita' feel! Clever stuff!!! Mx