We're quickly breezing into Autumn, the time of falling leaves, brisk walks and pumpkin spiced lattes. My absolute favourite time of the year! I'll been brewing up pumpkin spiced lattes over the weekends here. The smell that lingers in the house is heavenly. Here is my own recipe for an Autumn Caffeine injection.

To Add to your Latte :
2 x teaspoons pumpkin puree
1 x teaspoon pumpkin spices
2 x teaspoons vanilla essence
A squirt of whipped cream
A shake of cocoa powder
A drizzle of caramel syrup

Mix the pumpkin puree, Pumpkin spices and Vanilla essence together in the bottom of a cup. Add hot milk and stir. Add one shot of expresso and stir again.

O - M - G! How delicious does this look/sound!! I must try this soon. :-) x